Friday, December 12, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action!

Christmas has approached my corner of the world in such a whirlwind that I am not prepared for all that it brings! I spent two hours tonight untangling all the Christmas lights and determining if they worked. Every colored light set that I went through would not come on, or only half the set worked. I ended up putting the icicle lights on the tree....YEAH...victory.

I love this time of year, it gets dark early, it is cold and everyone stays indoors, which brings us closer together. It has been a bit cold around here in my state, but no major snow yet!

On another note, after I put some colored lights up for the smaller tree that I rescued from the recycle bin at a job I had a few years back, I took some unfocused pictures of the lights, tweaked it a little in photo-shop, added some text and here is my virtual Christmas card for all!

Have a great evening, I know I have had one! Happy Holidays!

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