Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ring in the New Year-Out with the Old: In with the New!

I am spending New Years Eve alone! Yes, I chose to stay in my cozy, warm townhouse and watch movies tonight with myself as the only company! Every year for the past three or more years, I would go to a childhood friends sister's house and ring the New Year in with those that I had grown up with in North County. This year, I was told that plans had changed and that there was to be no party! I had thought of going out, but with the weather going back and forth and the fact that I had a minor car accident on Christmas Day, I thought it would be best if I rang the New Year in at home. My children had places reserved for them (one with the father) and the other is old enough to decide for themselve how to celebrate!

As I was looking out the window earlier, I noticed that the Moon was full and there lies another reason that I feel being at home was the safest place to be! No wonder everyone was a bit "wild" at the stores earlier when I went out to buy myself dinner and a bottle of wine! I wanted to drink a small glass while watching Julie/Julia and I am glad that I did. I remember watching some of Julia Child's cooking shows when I was younger and always was fascinated at how she handled the food!

I am planning on making some changes to the blog in the new year and writing more about things besides my photography! I love to research and I hope to use that knowledge to write more on the things that interest me in the art world and share them here!

I had received my last fortune of the year 2009 and I find it fitting with the goals that I have planned in my head for the year 2010:

"You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course"

I would love to see where this takes me in the coming year, especially since I am so easily distracted from the course on anything that I do!

I wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year and may you enjoy the coming year and all your wishes and dreams come true!

Happy New Year 2010!


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