Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My little one and I visited the local "City Museum" and had a bit of fun in an original photo booth.  The cost of the image was $3.00, but it was worth the price we paid.  We could not tell when it was going to start taking pictures and the first image is a classic.  I will post more digital images that I shot of the museum in another posting.

Have a great afternoon.....


Pat O'Driscoll said...

Love the shocked look on your faces.

Anonymous said...

Love it. I have yet to find an old school photo booth, so my children can have this quirky keepsake. I'm official on the hunt.

Kranky Granny said...


So sorry but my crazy schedule lately has me way behind on checking in on my favs. I just spent 45 mins. catching up on your posts.

Love what I have read and as always your photos are wonderful. So sorry to read about loosing your brother.

I love taking photo's but don't think I could go back to film. Use to do the grunt work for a professional photographer. All that lab work and processing time not to mention the expense. Being able to click away and then edit/delete as soon as I get home would stop me if nothing else. I wish you the best with your adventure.

photo editing said...

Great images!! Thanks for sharing!!