Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eyes are the window to our souls!

Today was a beautiful day for shooting with film!

I enjoyed the afternoon with the artists from the studio. I assisted them with trying out the "new" Holga Pinhole Camera, and I cannot wait to find out Saturday if the film turned out! I am a little nervous, but hoping for the best since the weather was amazing. The clouds that were drifting throughout the blue sky just made for a perfect day!

I will be testing out the Holga Pinhole this weekend with black and white film since the weather is promising to stay sunny all weekend!

In the meantime, I found some close-up images of my muse....her eyes just beckon one to look closer.....I love the giggles of laughter that are still ringing in my head....after the bed-time stories that we read which had sent her into fits of laughter....and caused her to beg me to re-read the same story over and over!

~Peace Baby~

1 comment:

Kranky Granny said...

A very lovely post and what a beautiful subject.

I will have to consider trying to capture more expressions up close.